Cargox ico cena
CargoX CXO token will be added to as a payment method. Buying CXO tokens at ICO could reduce importers’ transport costs by up to 90%.
Discuss anything related to Ripple, XRP, and Flare. Read r/Ripple sub rules before posting and check out the thread containing helpful links: Join FlareXRP Discord: This is a public Discord server searchable using "Explore Public Servers" with keywords such as XRP, Flare, Ripple, Crypto, […] Get cryptocurrency prices, market overview, and analysis such as crypto market cap, trading volume, and more. CargoX aims to allow anyone to send digital documents to anyone in the world within seconds. CargoX describes itself as an independent blockchain courier service that competes with the likes of DHL, Fedex, and UPS. Established in Jan 2018, the CargoX dApp uses Ethereum for transferring digital original documents. Initially focused on the global Po podatkih Coindeska je bilo v prvih treh mesecih letošnjega leta s primarnimi izdajami kripto žetonov (ICO) zbranih za 6,3 mrd USD sredstev.
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Select participants will be given access to integrated electronic documentation, driver assignment, geo-tracking, in-app chat functionality, as well as integrations with the CargoRx Driver App that provides drivers with the ability to complete documents electronically, live-load freight photos directly into each shipment, and update the status of the shipment being transported. Razširjene informacije o podjetju CARGOX, poslovne rešitve in svetovanje d.o.o., Celovška cesta 136, 1000 Ljubljana na Dobro došli CAR:GO - DEO SVAKE PORODICE Pitali su me zašto iz stabilne kompanije i sigurnih primanja odlazim u sektor koji nije ni nalik tome. Verovao sam da će CarGo promeniti način poslovanja, komunikacije i povezivanja Jan 20, 2018 CARGOX, poslovne rešitve in svetovanje d.o.o., Celovška cesta 136, 1000 Ljubljana.
Innotalks: Kako blockchain spreminja tudi tradicionalne panoge, kot je energetika. Ko neka skupina ljudi, ki že nekaj časa deluje v določeni panogi, to panogo tako dobro spozna, da vidi tudi priložnosti za nove rešitve, nato pa pride na plano tudi nova tehnologija, kot je tehnologija veriženja blokov (blockchain), ter možnost alternativnega pridobivanja sredstev, denimo s pomočjo
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Lcl Premium Services + 50 Country’s. Welcome Special for Broker’s. World Class Logistic’s. Fast Delivery Service’s. Your Freight Partner’s. Worldwide Support’s
Hello! Welcome to our daily discussion thread. Discuss anything related to Ripple, XRP, and Flare. Read r/Ripple sub rules before posting and check out the thread containing helpful links: Join FlareXRP Discord: This is a public Discord server searchable using "Explore Public Servers" with keywords such as XRP, Flare, Ripple, Crypto, […] Get cryptocurrency prices, market overview, and analysis such as crypto market cap, trading volume, and more. CargoX aims to allow anyone to send digital documents to anyone in the world within seconds. CargoX describes itself as an independent blockchain courier service that competes with the likes of DHL, Fedex, and UPS. Established in Jan 2018, the CargoX dApp uses Ethereum for transferring digital original documents.
Register for ICO and get whitelisted in time to catch it! CargoX Platform for Blockchain Document Transfer (BDT) Cena žetona me ne zanima! Medtem ko je vrednost največjih valut letos upadala, so nekateri kriptožetoni, ki so jih izdala zagonska podjetja v postopku ICO, skoraj ničvredni. Za več kot 70 odstotkov so upadle vrednosti žetonov tudi slovenskih izdajateljev, kot so Viberate , X8 Project, CargoX, SportyCo, VouchforMe (ex Insure pal). Ако си нов Започни играта.
How much is 0.5 BTC (Bitcoins) in USD (US Dollars). Online exchange rate calculator between BTC & USD. Currencio — Cryptocurrency Converter. CargoX CXO token will be added to as a payment method. Buying CXO tokens at ICO could reduce importers’ transport costs by up to 90%. CargoX [CXO] ICO rating 3.7 out of 5.0, reviews, whitepaper, token price, start and end dates, exchanges, team, and financial data - Blockchain company that will change the way seafreight business is done today. CargoX ICO Contacts More on ICO Trading (CXO) $0.0105 4.65% 24H ETH return 0.47x About CargoX. The live CargoX price today is .
CargoX describes itself as an independent blockchain courier service that competes with the likes of DHL, Fedex, and UPS. Established in Jan 2018, the CargoX dApp uses Ethereum for transferring digital original documents. Initially focused on the global Po podatkih Coindeska je bilo v prvih treh mesecih letošnjega leta s primarnimi izdajami kripto žetonov (ICO) zbranih za 6,3 mrd USD sredstev. Ta znesek presega vsoto vseh zbranih sredstev v letu 2017. Samo v januarju so slovenski ICO projekti (CargoX, X8Currency, InsurePal, Origin Trail in ostali) zbrali za več kot 50 mio EUR sredstev. CargoX aims to allow anyone to send digital documents to anyone in the world within seconds. CargoX describes itself as an independent blockchain courier service that competes with the likes of DHL, Fedex, and UPS. Established in Jan 2018, the CargoX dApp uses Ethereum for transferring digital original documents.
You can upload or create documents - and then transact them, just like through a bank, in a trustworthy, decentralized environment, with a clear audit trail for all CargoX aims to disrupt the global logistics industry by introducing Smart B/L documents based on blockchain technology, replacing old-style paper Bill of Lading documents. With the Smart B/L users will be able to state and transfer cargo ownership rights without the hassle of handling paper. CargoX hoče tovorne liste nadomestiti s pametnimi pogodbami na podlagi blockchain tehnologije. Strošek izdaje in pošiljanja bo približno deset evrov, v beli knjigi (objavljena je na spletni strani obljubljajo, da stroški ne bodo presegli 12 dolarjev. Pametne pogodbe bodo učinkovitejše, cenejše in hitrejše od papirja.
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About CargoX Coin. CargoX price today is $0.07828206 with a 24-hour trading volume of $153,477. CXO price is up 8.3% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 160 Million CXO coins and a max supply of 215 Million. KuCoin is the current most active market trading it.
Matična: 8160309000. TRR: SI56600000000988307. Čisti prihodki od prodaje: Prihodke Cargoo is one of a kind ocean freight management and international shipping software that allows you to visualise the entire supply chain. Find out more. PIVX kurz/cena je $1.160 s tržní kapitalizací $75.25 M. Cena šla o -0.87% dolů za posledních 24h. Grafy, historie kurzu, kalkulačka kryptoměn a kde koupit PIVX?
World Class Logistic’s. Fast Delivery Service’s. Your Freight Partner’s. Worldwide Support’s Jan 15, 2000 · ICO was originally scheduled to start on 8 February, but since the pre-sale closed so rapidly, we have decided to accelerate our schedule and move the ICO to 23 January 2018 at 15:00 CET Slovenskemu CargoX, ki bo mešal štrene v trilijon dolarjev vrednem svetu logistike, je uspelo v manj kot osmih minutah zbrati sedem milijonov dolarjev. Ekipa Štefana Kukmana, ki mu je pred dvema letoma uspelo že s svojo platformo za naročanje kontejnerskih prevozov, tokrat s svojo idejo obljublja poseg v trilijon dolarjev vreden svet. Hello!
Entry in the Commercial Register of the Cologne District Court Amtsgericht Köln: HRB 85281 Turnover tax ID no Podjetje CargoX (prej tudi 45HC) je razvilo spletno platformo za enostavno rezerviranje kontejnerjev 45HC, ki podjetjem omogoča rezervacijo kontejnerskega transporta v zgolj 60 sekundah.Manjši uvozniki niso zanimivi za velika logistična podjetja, zato se pri iskanju rešitev soočajo s kompleksnimi sistemi naročanja, višjimi cenami, manjšo izbiro in daljšim čakanjem na ponudbo. Select participants will be given access to integrated electronic documentation, driver assignment, geo-tracking, in-app chat functionality, as well as integrations with the CargoRx Driver App that provides drivers with the ability to complete documents electronically, live-load freight photos directly into each shipment, and update the status of the shipment being transported.