Ako nastaviť antminer s9i


Pritom iba 4 Vám prinesú viac ako $1 denne. Momentálne najvýnosnejší je Antminer DR5 (34Th), $7.66 denne, ktorý je určený na ťaženie kryptomien fungujúcich na algoritme Blake256R14 (napr. …

Cena 6 000€ Predobjednávka je teda skôr možnosť pre teba preobjednať a zaplatiť si za miner "len" cenu, ktorú vidíš v e-shope, pretože už keď bude daný miner skladom, jeho cena bude o 30% / 50% či 100% vyššia. Používa iba 0,1 J na Gigahash, čo je zhruba 2,5-krát efektívnejší ako Antminer S7. Celková spotreba energie zariadenia je okolo 1350 W, aj keď tento údaj predstavuje asi 7% odchýlky. S9 spotrebuje približne o 300 W viac ako S7. Nastaviť. Okrem napájania je S9 samostatnou jednotkou. Z hľadiska energetickej účinnosti a hashrate je nové zariadenie o niečo slabšie ako Antminer S19, ale stojí takmer rovnako. Antminer T19 má hashovaciu rýchlosť 84 Th / s so spotrebou 3 150 W alebo 37,5 J / Th. Dodáva sa so zabudovaným zdrojom napájania, rovnako ako s ostatnými ťažiarňami s vysokým výkonom.

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This Antminer S9j is not only the first 16nm miner for retailuse but using less than half the energy per gigahash of the S7, but it is also our most powerful miner to enter mass production . At 0.098 joules per gigahash, this is the most efficient machine available to the bitcoin mining public. Antminer S9 photos The Antminer S9 , the most powerful and efficient miner to date was introduced not so long ago due to the fact that it gets really more challenging to make a profit as a Bitcoin miner because of the increasing difficulty to mine Bitcoins. Jual Antminer S9 + PSU dengan harga Rp85.000.000 dari toko online DINAMIKA ACCESSORIES, Jakarta Pusat. Cari produk Internal Power Supply lainnya di Tokopedia.

Lansana Diawara, activiste de la société civile est en garde à vue depuis hier, lundi 25 novembre. Il a en effet, déclaré que l’ancien ministre de la Sécurité, Alpha Ibrahima Keira, a démantelé des biens dans le bureau qu’il occupait, avant de partir. Une plainte contre lui s’en est suivie et son audition par la […]

Ako nastaviť antminer s9i

Find out more hashrate, consumption, difficulty, and profitability for mining 45 different coins. 4. Enter the default IP address of the ANTMINER – Go to the login page, enter the user ID: root, password: root.

Jual Antminer S9 + PSU dengan harga Rp85.000.000 dari toko online DINAMIKA ACCESSORIES, Jakarta Pusat. Cari produk Internal Power Supply lainnya di Tokopedia. Jual beli online aman dan nyaman hanya di Tokopedia.

Antminer T19 má hashovaciu rýchlosť 84 Th / s so spotrebou 3 150 W alebo 37,5 J / Th. Dodáva sa so zabudovaným zdrojom napájania, rovnako ako s ostatnými ťažiarňami s vysokým výkonom. Nastaviť Apr 03, 2018 · Antminer S9 is the world’s most powerful Bitcoin miner, which is smaller in size than many other portable boom boxes available. The Antminer S9 has a form factor similar to the very popular Antminer S7. The only difference associated with Antminer S9 is that it has three times more power than that of Antminer S7 and has double efficiency. antminer s9 motherboard means higher density circuits and no need to solder from point to point.

Ako nastaviť antminer s9i

And so, in order. 4. Enter the default IP address of the ANTMINER – Go to the login page, enter the user ID: root, password: root. 5. Click Miner Configuration, you can fill in 3 groups of mining pool. If the first group is dead, then, it will automatically pointed to the second group.

Ako nastaviť antminer s9i

The firmware from asicfw.io makes it possible (with the same consumption as standard firmware Setting antminer s9. First we need to learn how to connect antminer s9 (s9i), to the internet and so on. But I think you can plug the block in and out, it’s simple. Let’s look at the physical interface. Note the difference between antminer s9 and s9i is only in consumption, s9i consumes about 100 watts less. And so, in order.

At 0.098 joules per gigahash, this is the most efficient machine available to the bitcoin mining public. Antminer S9 photos The Antminer S9 , the most powerful and efficient miner to date was introduced not so long ago due to the fact that it gets really more challenging to make a profit as a Bitcoin miner because of the increasing difficulty to mine Bitcoins. Jual Antminer S9 + PSU dengan harga Rp85.000.000 dari toko online DINAMIKA ACCESSORIES, Jakarta Pusat. Cari produk Internal Power Supply lainnya di Tokopedia. Jual beli online aman dan nyaman hanya di Tokopedia. Most profitable coins and expected revenue for Bitmain Antminer S9j 14.5T mining.

May 17, 2019 · The smaller and even less impressive-looking box next to your S9i, the one containing your APW3++ power supply unit, means that you have all it takes to accomplish just that. Hardware Connections You need to connect your Antminer S9i bitcoin miner to your power supply unit and to your router. AntMiner s9 / s9i / s9j The firmware from asicfw.io is available for download free of charge, but it has a Dev Fee of 1.3% -2% (mining is not interrupted, the dev fee works parallel to the main mining). The firmware from asicfw.io makes it possible (with the same consumption as standard firmware Setting antminer s9.

Hashova rýchlosť - 4,73 H / s. Technológia procesu - 28 nm. Ťažobný čip - BM1385 (celkový počet - 162 kusov). Spotreba energie - 1210 wattov. Počet hashov na 1 watt elektrickej energie je 0,25 W / Gh. Cena je 480-490 USD. Na ňom budú vaše zárobky za 1 mesiac 0,1645 BTC. AntMiner S9. charakteristiky Connect the network cable to the miner. Turn on the PSU. On your PC, download any IP Scanner and look for the miner's IP address. Copy and paste the miner's IP address onto your browser's search bar to access Innosilicon web-console's login page.

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V našom prípade je userName „MRchain“ a workerName S7-1. Heslo je ľubovoľné (na slushpoole netreba nikde zadávať). Nastavenie v tabuľke Pool 1 funguje ako hlavné nastavenie minera, Pool 2 a Pool 3 fungujú ako záložné v prípade výpadku hlavného poolu.

Slush Pool is the 1st mining pool with more than 1.2M BTC mined since 2010. Explore features such as advanced payouts, monitoring and more. Antminer U1 Krok 1.Inštalácia Ovládača Cp2102 Krok 2A. Buď Použite Cgminer Pre Antminer-U1, Ktorý Poskytuje Antminer Vyberte Cgminer-Run-Windows-20131224. Zip Zvoľte View Raw A Uložte Niekderozbaľte Obsah Niekde.Plugin Antminerprevezmite A Spustite Zadig Zkliknite Na Options -> List All Devicesvyberte Cp2102 Usb Na Uart Bridge Controller A Kliknite Na Reinstall Driver Urobiť. Pri výbere baníkov ASIC pre Bitcoin dodržiavajú rovnaké kritériá ako pri výbere vidyahov, z ktorých hlavným je pomer nákladov na hash a energetickú účinnosť.


Model Antminer S9i (14Th) from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 14Th/s for a power consumption of 1320W.

Model Antminer S9i (14Th) from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 14Th/s for a power consumption of 1320W. Подробная инструкия здесьhttps://cryptocenter.by/product/antminer-s9-i-13-5-th-s/ AntMiner s9 / s9i / s9j firmware from asicfw.io fits all models. The first custom firmware with AsicBoost S9 saves up to 250W on pools that support AsicBoost technology (slushpool, antpool, btc.com, f2pool and others). Jul 09, 2018 · In this guide we provide you with tips on troubleshooting the Bitmain Antminer S9. When running multiple Antminer S9 machines all out once, you may experience some problems.